Show of hands, anyone ever tried to walk with a rock in your shoe? If you don’t think little things make a big difference you should try it. This happens to me every so often and did again just the other day. I should clarify that it happens almost exclusively when I’m doing my daily …
Robyn Chapman
I'm a work-from-home-mom and former newspaper editor and reporter. My husband and I have two beautiful but rambunctious boys. I love Jesus, travel, sports, quotes, reading and deep conversation. I believe kindness is a lifestyle that everyone should adopt and that we should spend less time arguing and more time encouraging. Because I believe in Jesus, I believe there is always hope.
I’ve done a little more online shopping than usual in the last couple months. I’ve been opening more emails than normal from companies pitching their deals at me. The subject line of an email from Groupon got my attention enough to open it. The first deal I saw was an influencer kit. Excuse me, what? …
Ecclesiastes chapter 3 tells us there is a time for everything, including a time to be silent and a time to speak. When it comes to most issues of the moment, at least for broad consumption, I choose to be silent. Not because I don’t have an opinion, we all have those. Rather, that’s often …