I don’t know how He works with you, but often when God is trying to get my attention He keeps sending me the same message. Maybe it’s a song, something I’ve read or a text from a friend but the underlying point is the same. When I notice the same points coming at me in …
Robyn Chapman
I'm a work-from-home-mom and former newspaper editor and reporter. My husband and I have two beautiful but rambunctious boys. I love Jesus, travel, sports, quotes, reading and deep conversation. I believe kindness is a lifestyle that everyone should adopt and that we should spend less time arguing and more time encouraging. Because I believe in Jesus, I believe there is always hope.
Confession time. Maybe this quarantine, lockdown, shelter at home or whatever you prefer to call it, is starting to get to me just a tiny bit. I don’t like to admit it but some cracks in the armor showed up earlier this week. I don’t want to go so far as to say that I …
I had to make a choice. It was time for my daily walk. The sun was shining and the temperature was mild, but dark clouds loomed in the west. They were coming my way fast. I could stop, avoid the risk and stay in but that would require missing this life-giving, soul-cleansing, spirit-boosting exercise that …