Robyn Chapman

I'm a work-from-home-mom and former newspaper editor and reporter. My husband and I have two beautiful but rambunctious boys. I love Jesus, travel, sports, quotes, reading and deep conversation. I believe kindness is a lifestyle that everyone should adopt and that we should spend less time arguing and more time encouraging. Because I believe in Jesus, I believe there is always hope.

In it Together

For as long as I can remember, people have come to me regularly for advice. Friends, acquaintances and strangers alike have often unloaded their troubles and wanted prayer and/or guidance. I don’t know why, but I get it a lot. Maybe I should have gone into some sort of counseling. I’ve always just thought that …

Look up

I’ve noticed that during my son’s soccer games when there is a stop and resetting of any kind his coach often yells to everyone to put their hands in the air and catch their breath. This single act lifts their shoulders, their heads and their eyes. I’m no doctor. Gosh, I don’t even play one …