It came quickly, crashing over me with a force that knocked me nearly onto my back in the raft. My feet were dug in under the seat in front of me. I had a death grip on the paddle in my hands, and with all the strength I could muster, I held on, fought gravity, …
I walked in the rain a couple of mornings this week. One day I knew it was likely to get me. I was walking right into it. It was just a matter of how long before it started (not long). It’s summer, so unless it is fully storming, it feels pretty good for a while. …
My children used to have a book called, “The King of Little Things,” by Bil Lepp. I highly recommend it for kids in early elementary school. I’ve probably read it 730 times – including to a kindergarten class and a very long stretch of days at bedtime. It’s a beautifully written and illustrated book. The …