I love watching the colors of changing leaves in the fall. They can be just stunningly gorgeous. There is one tree I pass on my morning walks that has had me fascinated for several days. That’s it pictured. It looks like it’s changing from the inside out. Most of the vibrant color is closer to the trunk and it’s still more green out on the farthest limbs. It catches my attention more than the others.
I took a picture of it a couple days ago because it was pretty, and I wanted to share it. It’s funny how we do that so much, especially in these social media, digital days. How many times have you taken a picture of something pretty just to share it with your online friends? Why do we do that? Oh, we could split off right here, and I could fill you full of the psychology of social media. But I won’t. You can research that yourself.
What has really been stuck in my head is the importance of sharing our unique stories and experiences. Specifically, sharing what God has done for us. A testimony if you will – except I don’t really want to throw around churchy words. That makes it sound too formal and stuffy. I mean tell your friends. Tell your spouse. If you get a chance to share something that God has done for you, do it.
News flash, God wants us to share what He’s done for us. In Mark 5:19 after Jesus healed the demon-possessed man he said, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” It wasn’t a suggestion but a command to go and tell his friends.
Psalm 66:16 says, “Come and hear, all of you who fear God, And I will declare what He has done for my soul.” I think we might all feel better if we woke up each day and declared what God has done for our soul – whether anyone hears it or not.
There are plenty of reasons for this sharing. I want to share the picture of that tree with all of you because you may not go by it and experience it yourself. I want to share what God has done for me for the same reason. I also want to hear your story because I don’t have the time or desire to get to all the experiences myself. Plus, we never know when we present something in a way that gets through to someone where everyone else was unsuccessful. Your voice, your story, your approach might be just the ticket.
Sharing our stories helps increase our faith. Sometimes I don’t realize how significant something is until I look back on it and share it with others. Not only does it help build my faith, but it helps build the faith of others. Friends I can’t doubt the real presence of God in my life because I have seen it many times. When I tell others, it brings those experiences back to the front of my mind. It is a reminder of God’s faithfulness. It is a doubt squasher. Have you ever prayed for someone and then saw it answered? Wow!
We were made for relationships and community. When we share our experiences with others, we help alleviate feelings of being alone. Sometimes just knowing that someone else understands is enough. We don’t always know when our story is helping someone else, but rest assured there is nothing new under the sun. Someone out there is connecting with your experiences in a way that God is using to encourage and lift them out of their pit.
Perhaps you’re going through a certain valley before any of your tribe. Your story becomes the light that helps guide them when it’s their turn. It’s the wayfinder sign in their wilderness. It’s comforting and strengthening to know that people survive valleys.
Friends own your story. Words are powerful. Tell the things that God has done for your soul. Repeat as needed.