Having Hope Anyway

Friends if you’ll humor me a bit today, I’m going to get more personal than usual. I’ve been certain that God had planted one more seed of a post in me before Christmas but I’ve been struggling to figure out exactly what it was. In my quiet time today, He pulled it into focus for me. It’s hope anyway. I know we’re all busy this week, so I’m going to get right to the point.

Yes, the name of my blog. Or more accurately, the reason for the name of my blog. This year has been difficult to say the least. One of the hardest in my 43 years, actually. I feel like Satan has been shooting flaming arrows at me all year long. A couple of them got me, and they hurt. Many of you probably feel the exact same way for your own assorted reasons.

As I have mentioned in a couple previous posts, it’s been a tough Christmas season because I’ve come into it wounded and tired. I don’t want to spend so much time focused on the flaming arrows that I become overwhelmed by them. I want to keep my focus on the hope of Christmas. Jesus.

Just typing His name brings me tears of hope. As I look back on the year now, I can see just how much that hope has pulled me through. When some of my lovely friends suggested that I write about the experience of losing my second parent I wasn’t sure what to do with it. That’s where the idea for this blog was born. I went through many name ideas before I settled on Hope Anyway. That one, though, stuck out because it is how I choose to see the world.

My goal in writing these is to help you focus on the hope of Jesus, regardless of the circumstances. This Christmas I’m reminded of what lengths God went to, to provide us with that hope. A baby born to suffer and die for all people – even the ones we don’t like. Because of that, I can have hope. Hope to see my parents again. Hope that God provides light in the darkest of times. Hope that suffering is temporary. Hope that good prevails. Hope that this world and its many flaws is not all there is.

My quiet time reading this morning was in the book of Romans. It was chapter 15 about bearing each others’ burdens that really sparked this post. Jesus bore my burdens. That is the greatest gift. I celebrate this Christmas because He came to bear my burdens. Some very dear people have been bearing some of my heavy burdens this year. God has provided the people, the time, the space, the outlet and the perspective for me to have hope anyway. The least I can do is share that same hope with you.

I know that we all have plenty of hard days still ahead of us, and without a doubt we can expect to get Satan’s best shots. But I also know that thanks to God’s ultimate Christmas gift, we have a hope that regardless of what happens on this side of Heaven, better days are coming. Eternity awaits.

Romans 15:13 says, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” How lovely.

My Christmas prayer for each of you is that you, too, may abound in hope regardless of what you’re coming through or what you’re facing up ahead. May you feel the love and strength of the God of hope this Christmas and in all the days ahead.


  1. Rena Allen

    Beautiful reminder that no matter what valleys we go through, Christ is always our hope. The name of your blog is so fitting. Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts!

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